Saturday, July 29, 2006

vaastu site

Avoid black clay soils, as the foundations will be weak.
Avoid sites with anthills (fear of termite destruction) , land with big boulders and reclaimed land with loose soil.

Land must be sloping to the North or East.

The site should be at least 50 m away from Shiva Temple and must not be to the left of a Durga temple or behind a Vishnu temple.

Shape of the plot
It must be square or rectangular and the East-West dimension greater than the North –South. Any other polygonal shape is generally inauspicious.

Avoid land that has no ground water.Dig a well in the N-E corner and use the ground water for prosperity.

The North _East corner must never be rounded off in a corner site (at an intersection) to the South West corner may be rounded off.

Direction of roads:

Plots with roads on all sides is the best. Roads must be on the East or the North side.

A water steam that flows from the West to the East is good as far as it is to the North of the site.


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